I was really disappointed today when the hour ended because I was having such a great time playing all the music and reading all the trivia about Iceland. I didn't get around to playing any Bjork or Sigur Ros, but I guess that was kind of cool because we got to include a bunch of lesser-known acts, but I even had a few more of those to share with you that we didn't have time for. Unfortunately as lovely as Icelandic music tends to be, it also tends to be kind of long and not really suited for the radio, so I'm sorry I was only able to play eight songs. They were a superb eight songs though, and we also got to learn a lot about the great nation of Iceland, so it was time well spent.
Here's what played on CJSF 90.1FM from 9-10am on January 28th:
Pornopop - Centre
Múm - I Can't Feel My Hand Anymore, It's Alright, Sleep Tight
Seabear - Hands Remember
Slowblow - Aim for a Smile
Frakkur - Untitled
Ólöf Arnalds - Innudir Skinni
Amiina - Fjarskanistan
Parachutes - Fingertips
Ólafur Arnalds - Gleypa Okkur
Mp3 of the show: 1st half hour/2nd half hour.
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Thanks for tuning in to the special show everybody! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Next week is back to regular bummer music, but I am still planning on doing an Elliott Smith retrospective theme show soon, so that should be on your radar.